Psalm 89:15
Those who walk with the Lord on a daily basis are truly blessed. For the light of the Lord will always shine on them...
Psalm 93:4
God is the Creator and Sustainer of all creation. God’s strength and majesty has firmly established the world for all eternity. He is worthy...
Romans 3:22
God will accept and declare us not guilty if we receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. It is through faith in Christ...
Psalm 57:1
Whatever you are going through right now, know that God is with you and for you. The Lord is merciful to all who call...
Romans 5:8
God demonstrated his love for all mankind by sending His one and only Son Jesus to take our place on the cross and to...
John 14:2
John 14:2 says that, there is plenty of room with God. Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God the Father in Heaven....
Job 8:7
As another year goes by and the start of a new one is on the way, let’s remember the many blessings the Lord bestowed...
Isaiah 43:11
Only God alone can give you eternal salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. The LORD speaks emphatically in His Word, reminding His people that...
Psalm 17:2
As humans we tend to take matters into our own hands. However, if we wait upon the Lord for guidance and deliverance we will...
Psalm 84:5
Those who put their hope in the Lord shall never be put to shame. For the Lord will strengthen those who are weak. When...