Psalm 34:4
Those who seek the Lord wholeheartedly will experience the peace of God that transcends all understanding. The Lord will rescue them in times of...
Jeremiah 17:8
Those who believe and trust in the Lord will be like trees that bear fruit for God's Kingdom. They will be grounded in a...
Acts 2:28
The path of life leads you to the one and only Jesus. The Lord will lead you and guide you down the right path...
Psalm 143:8-9
God's faithful love endures forever! Each day is a gift and a blessing from God. His mercies are new every morning. He leads us...
Psalm 38:15
The Lord is my helper; He helps me in times of trouble. He is faithful to see me through every trial and circumstance. He...
Proverbs 31:25
The Lord is faithful to the one who puts their hope in Him. He gives strength to the one who is weak. Put your...
Luke 1:45
All who trust in the Lord are truly blessed. The Lord blesses those who wait patiently for Him to fulfill His promises. Trust in...
1 Peter 2:24
Jesus took our place on that old rugged cross. He was despised and rejected by many. But while He was hanging on that cross...
Jeremiah 31:3
God loves us unconditionally, His faithful love endures forever. He displayed His love for us through His son Jesus. If you have received Jesus...
Habakkuk 3:18
There is no greater name that one can rejoice in but the name of "Jesus". True joy is not a feeling as happiness is,...