Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Psalm 33:20

John 10:27

Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He is the door to heaven and the only way to eternal life. Those who receive Jesus as Lord...

John 1:2-3

(He) is referring to Jesus. Jesus was with God in the beginning of all creation. Through Jesus all things were made, through Him and...

Psalm 40:1

What does it mean to wait upon the Lord? In the scriptures, the word wait means to hope, to anticipate, and to trust with...

1 John 5:14

Understanding how to pray according to God's Will includes; Trusting in God, Leaning on Scripture to guide you, Trusting in God’s timing and Seeking His...

Psalm 13:5

God’s love and Grace sustains us in times of trouble, He provides for our every need. In life’s most trying times, even when everyone...

James 4:10

What does it mean to humble yourself before the Lord? It means going before Jesus in awe and reverence, and being willing to say, “I...

Matthew 22:37

The greatest commandment given by Jesus Christ himself is found in Matthew 22:37; love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and...

Psalm 141:1

Call on the Lord in the day of trouble. He is faithful to all who call on Him in faith. Sincerely search for the...

Isaiah 42:6

Jesus Christ came as Righteous and Holy in His nature. We as believers should try to exemplify His character. He will hold our hand,...

Matthew 5:16

If you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you have the light of life inside of you. Being a light to others...

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Psalm 33:20


Psalm 56:8


John 6:37


Jeremiah 31:25